December 7, 2010

Outside Play & Holly

This last weekend, my honey was feeling super ambitious.  The snow had melted, the rain was gone, and besides some chilly temps, he was motivated to attack some projects.  Since moving we have had a nice pile of outdoor play equipment hidden in the backyard.  While I worked on projects inside, he surprised even himself, and put together both the trampoline, and the play structure, mostly by himself. 

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I love how the play structure is hidden in an area that enters into the woods, and that both are visible from the back porch. 


While taking pictures of his proud accomplishments, I noticed a holly tree behind it, in fact we have many others scattered around the property.  So fun, to have our own holly blooming in our yard.


  1. oh baby! the reed brothers(and babygirl) could do some serious damage in that amazing backyard! talk about adventures to be had!

  2. Oh, that's fabulous!! I think I know where we're going next time it's nice out. ;-)

  3. so, your backyard is beautiful. but you already knew that. :)


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